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Opinion: Why is My Favourite Platform is my favourite platform for doing basically everything with cryptocurrency. I should first warn the reader. Never put your eggs in one basket, and do your own research. This is an opinion piece, and not investment advice. When it comes right down to it, shares a lot of the same values I’ve developed around cryptocurrency. As far as I can tell, they are striving to be a crypto bank. They have more integrated financial services on their platform, than any other company in crypto. What is more impressive, is all of the products they offer meet some high level of quality standards. I hope that is around to see the adoption of cryptocurrency take off.


The Many Features of is my favourite platform for several reasons, one of which is their massive list of offerings. This is meant to be an exhaustive list of all the things that offers to its customers. As I go through the various products they offer, I will also be pointing out why this multiplies the value offering of

TLDR; is the only all-in-one cryptocurrency platform and ecosystem I know of. It comes complete with custodial and non-custodial wallets, borrowing and lending, exchange, and crypto VISA debit cards. These are the reasons why is my favourite platform.

Custodial Mobile App (The Bank) essentially started as a crypto VISA debit card issuer. Shortly into the journey, they launched their own mobile app, which they market and deliver a variety of services. I like to think of their custodial mobile app as my crypto bank account. I can keep my funds on the platform, and take advantage of some of the borrowing and lending services they offer. One of the best parts about keeping my crypto with, is that all of their products are seamlessly integrated. The mobile app knows about my exchange addresses, and my non-custodial wallet addresses. There is really no need to keep track of which address is which, because the app is completely integrated with all of the other products. The custodial app is more or less the home and the nexus point for utilizing their first core token MCO. More on that later.


The exchange is currently in BETA, but so far, I am extremely impressed with what they’ve accomplished. They’ve used the exchange as a launching platform for their second core token CRO or Coin. So far, they’ve enticed users to lock up (stake) their tokens on the platform in exchange for a 20% APY on the tokens. Since CRO is a new token, and only 20% of the circulating supply is in existence, this is their way of slowly releasing funds into the ecosystem. The CRO token and broader ecosystem will eventually live on its own blockchain. Currently, both the MCO and CRO tokens live on the Ethereum Blockchain.

Every two weeks, users who have staked some amount of CRO may take part in an event called the syndicate. This is where users are able to purchase a select cryptocurrency at 50% off the market price. If this sounds too good to be true, it sort of is. The event is always “oversubscribed” which means there were more people wanting to buy, than they have funds to give out. When this happens, they give out an amount proportionate to your contribution.

The exchange itself works flawlessly. It is without bugs, and has always been quick to process transfers, deposits, and withdrawals. Moving funds between the custodial wallet, and the exchange is instantaneous, as both products are owned by Read more about the exchange.

Non-Custodial Mobile Wallet just launched their non-custodial mobile wallet. This wallet is really no different than other wallets that allow you to own your keys. The purpose is simple. Own your keys, own your crypto. The fact that built and released a non-custodial wallet tells me that they value the underlying ethos of cryptocurrency. One can argue that direct ownership of one’s money is what this whole crypto revolution is all about. As a for-profit company, they don’t make money from people moving their money to outside of their custodial wallet or exchange. built the non-custodial wallet as a way of establishing trust. 

Borrowing / Lending Services

Crypto Earn is the lending service, Crypto Credit is the borrowing service. Through Crypto earn, users are able to earn a return on their investment on many cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a wide variety of stablecoins. They are able to offer this because those who deposit on the earn side, are lending to the borrowers on the Credit side. With Crypto Credit, I need to provide collateral for my loan. If I deposit Bitcoin as collateral, I can withdraw 50% of the value as a loan, and pay a reasonable interest rate on the additional funds I’ve received. This is super handy for when you need a bit of extra cash in a pinch. I use both services regularly.

I like to think of my lending accounts as my crypto savings accounts. By holding my money within the app, I am able to earn a return on my holdings. If I am holding crypto such as Bitcoin, I may as well be earning additional bitcoin. Depositors should be aware that uses your deposits for their own purposes, much like a bank. Read more about the lending and borrowing services.

Their VISA Debit Card

The VISA card is their flagship product. This is the product that they built their ICO off of. Currently the VISA debit card is available in European countries, Southeast Asian regions, and Canada. wants you to spend your cryptocurrency, so they are giving you all sorts of incentives to do so. They have multiple tiers of cards, each offering you an additional 1% cashback in crypto on top of the last tier. The top tier will earn you 5% cashback on all your purchases, but it requires you to hold and stake 50000 MCO tokens. At today’s value, that’s about 250k USD worth of MCO. Needless to say, that card is only for the high rollers. For me, this is actually the most important thing that is doing for crypto adoption. People already in the crypto space are adverse to spending their cryptocurrency. Creating easy ways to obtain, spend, and save cryptocurrency is exactly what is going to fuel global cryptocurrency adoption. Read more about the MCO token and the crypto VISA card.

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About the Author

Keegan Francis

Keegan Francis is a cryptocurrency knowledge expert and consultant. He recognized the opportunity in cryptocurrency early in his career and has been invested in it since 2014. His passion led him to start the Go Full Crypto, a project that documents his journey of totally opting out of traditional financial services. Keegan has been living entirely off of cryptocurrencies since 2019.

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